Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Late nights

Coffee is a good pal of mine on nights like tonight, when I plan to get as much as possible accomplished on stories. When I get into writing mode, you better watch out!

A few people have already hit the ol' dusty trail, and I'm planning to do so tomorrow or Thursday, but it's not without some sadness.

I won't miss the living arrangements much. I miss my comfy bed and a kitchen full of food. But this experience has been eye-opening.

There's a lot to living in a bigger town that I take forgranted.

Like restaurants. And grocery stores. And Internet.

And yet, my complaints seem petty when compared with those of Greensburg residents. Some are still living in FEMA housing. Some are still trying to settle with insurance. Some have no real home to speak of.

There is still so much to do here in Greensburg, and devoted volunteers and officials are seeing that it is accomplished. I only hope that the media attention doesn't die down too soon. The town needs all the publicity it can get for a few years to keep the ball rolling.

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