Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Settle For More

Today, while on our way to Greensburg and while in Greensburg, I noticed many things, some things that I have never seen before and some things that gave me and continue to give me inspiration. For the first time in my life, I saw armadillos; however, they were not alive. Nonetheless, I was still ecstatic to see these cute and odd little creatures on the side of the road. When we arrived in Greensburg, I noticed something that I would have never expected to see or even come across. On the corner of select intersections, I saw wooden stars with inspirational words on them such as hope, smile, inspire, wish, and miracle. When I saw these brightly colored stars, I thought of one of my favorite quotes. Isak Dinesen said, “We must leave our mark on life while we have it in our power.” The community of Greensburg is doing just that. They aren’t dwelling on their circumstances, but looking forward and taking responsibility for who they, as a community and a team, want to become. They are doing this by settling for more and through inspirational words, humor, and genuine love for each and every member of the community. I can’t help but smile at how encouraging and uplifting the community of Greensburg is and where the great town will be in the days and years to come.

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