Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Resilience shown through paint, plywood

Throughout Greensburg, Kan., signs can be seen carrying the message of the rebuilding community, which is a resounding bellow of survival.


Greensburg’s citizens have a distinct personality that is evident in such signs, but other signs show the incredible support outsiders have for the town.

Many groups provided inspirational signs to the community, but Matt Deighton, volunteer coordinator and self-proclaimed mayor of volunteer village, accurately has said humor is important. If people aren’t laughing, they might be crying.


Today the group and I toured the ravaged town, and it was interesting to hear the stories of people and how the tornado has altered their lives forever.

But what was better was walking around and taking it all in for myself. I was moved.

For now I am going to work on an audio slide show highlighting the quirky personality of Deighton.

When it’s finished, I will post it on this blog, and before I go to bed, I will try to post a brief recap about a few exciting events of today.

Stay tuned . . .

1 comment:

Diane said...

Quirky is a good word for Matt. :) I know Matt from growing up in Greensburg and attending St. Joe's church. I'm glad he's still around helping out in Greensburg--and not a bit surprised. Matt's a good guy--always has been.